[MonoDevelop] Git add-in

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Thu Jul 29 05:11:12 EDT 2010

On 29/07/2010 10:53, Lluis Sanchez Gual wrote:
> El dj 29 de 07 de 2010 a les 09:52 +0200, en/na Federico Di Gregorio va
> escriure:
>> > On 28/07/2010 20:07, Lluis Sanchez Gual wrote:
>>>> > >>     Pull - Pull changes from remote repository
>>>>> > >> >     Fetch - Fetch changes from remote repository
>>> > > Pull and Fetch are implemented by the "Update" command, so there is no
>>> > > need to have them as separate commands.
>>> > > 
>> > 
>> > Just a note about pull and fetch. In git pull is "fetch + merge into
>> > default merge branch" and sometimes you want to do a fetch then use some
>> > history review tool (like gitk --all) before the real merge. So it does
>> > make sense to have "update" do a pull but have a separate "fetch" command.
> Then what you need is a "Show Remote History" command, not a fetch
> command.

Agreed. The "Show Remote History" command should do a fetch and then
show you the history.


Federico Di Gregorio                                       fog at initd.org
 When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they
  means they're getting worried that they won't like the truth.
                                                    -- Granny Weatherwax

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