[MonoDevelop] MonoDevelop Mac OS X and Gtk# Designer
Bob Lang
bob.lang at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jul 10 10:33:16 EDT 2010
Hi Mike
I've just discovered MonoDevelop for OS X and it's going to be really useful once the gui designer works.
I'm sure that building from sources is a daily activity for you, but I'm not sure I have time to get into that level of detail.
Is there any chance you could release an experimental OS X build with the designer, even it it has lots of "use at your own risk" warnings?
Thanks in advance, and kudos to everyone involved in Mono and MonoDevelop.
On 10 Jul 2010, at 14:54, Mike Krüger wrote:
> Hi
> At the moment it's disabled by default - because dnd didn't work in the
> designer.
> I've worked a bit on the designer to support dnd on mac os and it seems
> to work - but I didn't test it.
> When messing around (at least I've a working designer) with the solution
> it should be possible to compile a monodevelop with designer on mac os x.
> Regards
> Mike
>> Hi People..
>> so there is no Gtk# Designer for Mac OS X MonoDevelop? I really like
>> MonoDevelop under Windows, now i wanna code with my Macbook but without
>> Designer Suckz a little bit :/.
>> Is there any solution? Like an external Designer which creates
>> Copy&PasteCode etc.?
>> Hopefully Greetings,
>> Philipp
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