[MonoDevelop] "Creating a Simple Addin"

Vasili I. Galchin vigalchin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 22:33:10 EST 2010

On 1/22/10, Michael Hutchinson <m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Vasili I. Galchin <vigalchin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Michael,
>> I picked your first solution. Still no DateInserter under Edit tab.
>> I.e. I changed the *addin.xml (manifest), did a clean and rebuilt ....
>> then copied the .dll to ~/.config/MonoDevelop/addins. What about the
>> .mdb file that is built with the .dll? Should I move it? What is a
>> .mdb?
> The mdb file is the mono debugging symbols, used for line numbers in
> stack traces, among other things.
> Do you get any new errors/warnings at startup? Maybe you should depend
> on version 2.2 instead of 2.0?
> --
> Michael Hutchinson
> http://mjhutchinson.com
[1]+  Done                    monodevelop
vasili at Komputer:~$ monodevelop&
[1] 5899
vasili at Komputer:~$ WARNING: Cannot find Mozilla directory containing
libgtkembedmoz.so. Some Addins may not be able to function. Please set
MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your Mozilla directory.
WARNING [2010-01-22 21:12:58Z]: GLib-Warning: g_set_prgname() called
multiple times
Stack trace:
   at GLib.Global.set_ProgramName(System.String value)
   at Gtk.Application.SetPrgname()
   at Gtk.Application.Init()
   at MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.IdeStartup.Run(System.String[] args)
   at MonoDevelop.Startup.SharpDevelopMain.Main(System.String[] args)
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/Gui/ItemOptionPanels/Common', but there
isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/Gui/ItemOptionPanels/SourceCode', but there
isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/Gui/DefaultPolicyPanels', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicyTypes', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicyTypes/StandardHeaderPolicy', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicyTypes/TextStylePolicy', but there
isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets/MITX11License', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets/NewBSDLicense', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets/Apache2License', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets/LGPLv2License', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets/GPLv2License', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/PolicySets/GPLv3License', but there isn't
any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Ide,2.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/Core/StockIcons', but there isn't any add-in defining
this extension point
WARNING [2010-01-22 21:12:59Z]: Inotify watch limit is too low (8192).
MonoDevelop will switch to managed file watching.
See http://www.monodevelop.com/Inotify_Watches_Limit for more info.
ERROR [2010-01-22 21:13:00Z]: Add-in error
(MonoDevelop.Samples.DateInserter,2.0): Required add-in not found

ERROR [2010-01-22 21:13:01Z]: Add-in error
(MonoDevelop.Samples.DateInserter,2.0): Required add-in not found

hmmmm ... couldn't find the DateInserter addin ... bad mojo!!!!


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