[MonoDevelop] Project Icons Not Added to EXE When Compiling

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 22:31:32 EST 2010

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:53 PM,  <stacheldraht at interia.pl> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> in my C# app, I am making extensive use of self-made icons. So far I've been
> adding them to my project as resources by using the "Edit project icons"
> feature. This has been working fine up to a certain MD update (I am now using
> version 2.0), when the icons I add can be referenced inside the project (for
> instance, when I make up a new Gtk# form)...but when I try to run the ready
> compiled EXE, file, this happens:
> Unhandled Exception: GLib.GException: File
> »/home/jacek/Documents/Projects/iwawi/iwawi/bin/Debug/./icons/wizard.png«
> could not be opened: File or directory not found.
> Apparently, MD does reference the icon inside the project, but does not
> implant it into the EXE file when compiling / linking. However, when I double-
> click the icon in the project browser, the information «Embed as resource»
> comes.
> Any hints or solutions?

It looks like GTK is trying to load the icon from a file, not an
embedded resource. If you think this is a bug in MD's GTK# code
generator, please file a bug.

Michael Hutchinson

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