[MonoDevelop] language binding and the Logging API

Vasili I. Galchin vigalchin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 17:16:10 EST 2010

ah .... got my binding to load .. see LogInfo message.

so when do the various methods of an  instance of a class that
implements the  IDotNetLanguageBinding interface get called? E.g.
order of calls?


On 2/24/10, Vasili I. Galchin <vigalchin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>         I am running a slightly older version of Mono so I currently
> cannot use debugger. I want to use Logging API in the short term to
> debug. In the IDotNetLanguageBinding interface is there a method that
> will be called when addin is loaded? ... .I want to put a call to
> LogInfo there.
> Thanks,
> Vasili8

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