[MonoDevelop] perforce version control support

Ian Norton inb at ncipher.com
Wed Feb 10 04:26:19 EST 2010

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to start work on some very basic support for perforce within

I already have a mostly-working library that wraps perforce calls via
external calls to the perforce 'p4' tool with Process,
http://github.com/inorton/p4-sharp  The C/C++ api that perforce give
away doesn't seem to lend itself to well PInvoke on mono :-/ My library
rather nastily calls the external program and parses the stdout but it
does at least work.

My question is more of a general monodevelop one, If I wish to load the
monodevelop trunk sources into monodevelop, then I read somwhere that I
need to use the trunk build of monodevelop to do this.  I've tried
loading trunk MD into my 2.2.1 MD (built from source) but it fails
loading Main.sln saying 

"Could not set property 'Policies' in type 'Solution'"

A trunk build of MD will indeed load the solution but frequently crashes
or locks up for me, is there any way at all to load Main.sln up inside a
stable release of MD? (Do I need to build MD2.2.1 with a specific set of
extra flags?)



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