[MonoDevelop] Monodevelop hanging on breakpoint

Mark H hayesm2 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 16:42:56 EDT 2010


Thanks for responding.

I apologize for not adding my OS and version to the original message.

I am running MD version 2.4 with included mono libraries on Windows 7.

I have found a work around but do not know what is causing the problem.
Seemingly at random a pinned watch line appears in my application.userprefs

<MonoDevelop.Ide.DebuggingService.PinnedWatches ctype="PinnedWatchStore">
    <Watch file="utilLib\Utils.cs" line="81" offsetX="723" offsetY="1600"
expression="tf" liveUpdate="False" />

I am only intending to and am setting regular breakpoints in the file using
the MD GUI.  In fact I don't yet know how to explicitly set a break on
condition or expression in MD even if I wanted to.

When the problem appears I shutdown MD and manually remove the line from the
configuration file.  Upon restart breakpoints work as expected until the
line appears again.  I have observed the Watch file= target varying between
a couple of modules in my application.  Not sure if its relevant but I am
pretty certain that in all cases they are modules within which there are
active breakpoints at the time of the occurrence.

The debugging link that you supplied unfortunately does not apply to
Windows.  But given that the problem is reproducible with the addition of a
line in the configuration file this may be enough info for you to point out
my misunderstanding[s] or lead to the source of a real bug.


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Michael Hutchinson <
m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 3:50 PM, mh <hayesm2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have problem where if I set a breakpoint in my console app a spinning
> > cursor icon occurs in response to monodevelop and the IDE appears hung
> upon
> > hitting the breakpoint.  This is the case even if the breakpoint is set
> on
> > the very first line of the application.
> >
> > If I clear all breakpoints and then run the app from within monodevelop
> the
> > app runs successfully to completion and the IDE does not hang.   I have
> > insured that there are no stale components and that all my objects are
> being
> > rebuilt before execution.
> >
> > I would appreciate pointers on what to do to resolve this.
> Please obtain stack traces of the hung process and file a bug report:
> http://monodevelop.com/Developers/Reporting_Bugs#Debugging_Hangs_on_Mac_and_Linux
> BTW, it's harder to help without information about your OS and the MD
> & Mono versions...
> --
> Michael Hutchinson
> http://mjhutchinson.com
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