[MonoDevelop] Debugging MonoDevelop from within MonoDevelop?

IBBoard ibboard at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 15:15:16 EDT 2010

On 23/08/10 09:27, Lluis Sanchez Gual wrote:
> El ds 21 de 08 de 2010 a les 20:41 +0100, en/na IBBoard va escriure:
>> I'm guessing it is possible, but I'm not sure how at the moment! I'd
>> found a bug and wanted to give it a quick poke to see if it was
>> something I could report and fix at the same time. To give it a poke I
>> wanted to run it up in MD and debug it with a breakpoint to see what was
>> happening. It doesn't seem like a major thing for something that builds
>> cleanly with Make, but I'm getting 126 errors about missing assemblies
>> because it can't find namespaces and classes.
> The problem is that you are trying to build the whole MonoDevelop
> workspace, which includes all add-ins in Extras. Those add-ins will fail
> to build unless you included them in the build when running the
> configure script. If you don't need to debug any add-in in extras, my
> advice is to build only the Main solution.

Okay, I'll try that. I didn't think about the difference in what it
compiles - I thought it might be using the same make files and config
anyway, because some of the output mentioned make files.

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