[MonoDevelop] Refactoring Addin

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 15:43:20 EDT 2010

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Eric Schaefer
<eric.schaefer at ericschaefer.org> wrote:
> 2010/8/4 Eric Schaefer <eric.schaefer at ericschaefer.org>:
>> I will have a look at AnalysisCore, if I get master to compile...
> I am looking at NamingConventions,cs  and RenameMemberFix.cs right
> now. Wow. This is so powerful. It's a game changer. This and the
> refactoring API is exactly what MD needs to play with the big boys.
> I feel an urge to make install...
> Is it wise to use this yet?

It's experimental - it's the result of half a weekend and a week of
evenings... I mainly did it to prototype the idea and establish a core
for others to build on.

It's in git master, and can be enabled in prefs.

> Regards,
> Eric
> p.s. BTW: Why is the rule static?

The engine loads the rules as delegates - they're supposed to be
stateless so that they can be parallelized. Any state should be on the
objects they produce and consume.

Michael Hutchinson

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