[MonoDevelop] How to add Combo Box on Toolbar

Jacek Rużyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Thu Apr 29 09:18:04 EDT 2010


Am Donnerstag 29 April 2010 14:48:56 schrieb creek23:
> Correction: the Combo Box on MonoDevelop toolbar is actually used for
> choosing panel layout (ex, Debug or Default)
> Still, how do I do the same to my app?
> creek23 wrote:
> > Hasn't any tried this yet? Is there any tutorial for doing this?
> >
> > creek23 wrote:
> >> MonoDevelop have a Combo Box on its Toolbar for the user to indicate
> >> compile mode of either Debug or Release. How can I do the same with my
> >> program?
I myself haven't found a viable way to implant a "normal" (= non-button) 
widget into a MenuBar, but maybe I have a workaround for you: First, create a 
Gtk# dialog without borders (type hint: dock; skip taskbar hint: true; 
resizeable: false; modal: false). Then place the combo box as the only widget 
into the dialog.

Whenever your window fires up, it must create the dialog., which will then 
overlay your main window. The only trouble you may encounter is a not-so-good 
position of the dialog, so you have to try out the window position properties 
of your dialog.

I know it's a really nasty way to force a ComboBox into a MenuBar, but I 
myself don't any better way. Sorry. :(


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