[MonoDevelop] Breakpoints and the External Console

Lluis Sanchez Gual slluis.devel at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 06:40:20 EDT 2010

El dc 14 de 04 de 2010 a les 00:48 -0800, en/na oram.ryan va escriure:
> I am evalulating MonoDevlop to be used in University Courses at my
> university. One of the needed functionality is the ability to use
> breakpoints in conjunction with the external console.
> The internal console is not suitable for our purposes as it does not support
> text entry. We would also need breakpoint functionallity for some of our
> labs involving debugging. As the external console will be used during these
> labs, breakpoints need to work when outputing to the external console.
> I was wondering if this functionality is available in MonoDevelop in the
> present versions.

I'm not sure this was working in MD 2.2, but it will certainly work in
the upcoming 2.4 release.


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