[MonoDevelop] Font size change in monodevelop

Robert Trent rttrent at hiwaay.net
Fri Apr 2 01:01:19 EDT 2010

Darwin Reynoso wrote:
> here is a video that i made about the label widget and it shows how to
> change the font and color
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1HWeAWhsew
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Robert Trent <rttrent at hiwaay.net> wrote:
>> In the MD gui I have defined a label with use_markup = true to enlarge
>> its text.  It works!  Now, at run-time, I can change the text but the
>> markup has no effect.  I understand that gtk-label has pango, markup
>> capability but it is not recognized in my code nor do I find it as a
>> label property or method.  lblClientDetailTime.Text = "<big>Now is the
>> time</big>"; prints exactly as shown.  Various versions of ~set_markup
>> report the label as unknown in this context.  Can someone suggest how I
>> might cause the text to enlarge?  My reading on pango has been unfruitful.
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