[MonoDevelop] Framework "Mono for iPhone" not Installed.

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 02:20:34 EDT 2009

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Rick Checketts <rick at checketts.eu> wrote:
> Thanks Michael that fixes it. Just a case of using the wright version
> of MonoDevelop.
> The only problem I have now is with Intellisense, works sometimes but
> not others. Example if I start to tyoe window up pop the completion
> and I can select window, type a dot nothing happens no popup with
> methods events etc. Any thoughts?

We're currently investigating a problem with the code completion
databases that has been reported to affect a few machines. It's not
reproducible on most machines, which is making it hard to track down.
In most cases it can be fixed by removing
~/.config/MonoDevelop/CodeCompletionData. I'll have a build up
tomorrow that should fix these issues or help to diagnose them.

Michael Hutchinson

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