[MonoDevelop] Please disregard the previous email.

Patrick Kaldawy pkaldawy at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 30 03:02:55 EDT 2009


I Apologize for not making myself clear earlier. I have just start working on MonoDevelop and i am currently learning it and exploring my way around it. below is my real issue.

I have developed a console application using .NET 2.0 (C#) on windows and compiled it with MONO. The application mainly connects to a MySQL DB and retrieves data. I used the MySQL (mysql.data.dll) connector to do so. Now, i'm running this application from a Linux server and the DB is local to the server, attached is the log file of the error i am getting. Can anyone help me with that?.

I registered the connector in the GAC. Is there anything else i should be doing? Is there any configuration that I'm missing?

Thank You.


Patrick Kaldawy

Windows 7: I wanted more reliable, now it's more reliable. Wow!
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