[MonoDevelop] resgen tool in Linux

Ian Norton inb at ncipher.com
Thu Oct 8 02:22:08 EDT 2009

On Wed, 2009-10-07 at 23:22 +0100, Kirk Marat wrote:
> A number of MonoDevelop users (including myself) have noted problems with the resgen tool 
> (resgen.exe) when trying to port a Visual Studio project to MonoDevelop under Windows.  Since my 
> reason for using MonoDevelop is to port my project (C#, Windows Forms) to Linux and possibly MacOS 
> X, I thought I would try to see what would happen with MD 2.0 on openSUSE 11.1.  What happens is I 
> get essentially the same problem, with an error message like:
> ApplicationName = 'resgen2', compile line = '/....... etc.
> Am I missing something here? or is this a problem for which I will have to wait for a later release.
> FWIW, the Visual Studio compiled executable will actually run on openSUSE under Mono, but there are 
> a few rough edges that I have to iron-out.

The main problems I've had with resgen are handling filename case. If
I've manually changed the resource file to match the exact filename case
or renamed the files I've had no further trouble.  

I've had the best success with mono 2.4 and svn builds of MD. I've been
using this at work to co-develop on a winforms app without any trouble
(after the filename thing)


Ian Norton <inb at ncipher.com>

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