[MonoDevelop] [Patch] Make T4 unit tests independent of the runtime

Olivier Dagenais olivier.dagenais at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 15:22:06 EST 2009


I was running the T4 tests using .NET 2.0 when I noticed they would
fail due to a few differences in the "auto-generated" comment.
Although it would be possible to make a few fixes here and there to
the comment generation itself (somewhere in CodeDOM, I suppose), there
would still be some differences in the version number, so my solution
is to simply strip that header so it is not considered for comparison.
 All tests should now pass under both Mono and .NET.

This code is licensed to Novell/Mono under the MIT License.  The patch
was created with
as a base.  Let me know if you need me to change anything, etc.

- Oli
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