[MonoDevelop] Reduced exceptions patch

Carlo Kok ck at carlo-kok.com
Wed May 20 06:53:05 EDT 2009

In the attached patch I've included a few small changes that makes 
debugging the monodevelop IDE on windows a lot easier by reducing the 
number of exceptions thrown.

Changes in the patch:
* main/Main.sln: Enabled the working projects in the DebugWin32 
* main/src/core/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor/Platform.cs: Skip 
IsRunningOnMac check when running on windows
Skip "Add" check when collection doesn't implement IList
* main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core/PropertyService.cs: 
Skip IsrunningOnMac check when running on windows
Don't extract the path from a null or invalid path (for errors that have 
no associated files)
XmlWriter.Settings is null on .NET when not passed and readonly once it 
passed the constructor

Carlo Kok

RemObjects Software
The Infrastructure Company
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