[MonoDevelop] Flex 3 Binding

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Mon May 11 19:24:35 EDT 2009

Il giorno lun, 11/05/2009 alle 19.16 -0400, Michael Hutchinson ha
> 2009/5/11 Federico Di Gregorio <fog at initd.org>:
> > * Better syntax highlight
> > * Run SWF in standalone player or firefox on F5
> > * Auto-completion
> > * Debugging (?!)
> > * Any other ideas?
> Looks interesting!
> A while back some of the FlashDevelop devs were interested in porting
> FlashDevelop to MonoDevelop. Now that it runs on Windows, maybe they
> would be interested in joining forces with you?

Do you know if FlashDevelop is free software? I suppose their work will
speed-up a lot mine but the homepage is a forum and the downloads are
binary-only exe installers... :/

If nobody knows better I'll post to the forum but I'd like to get a
little bit more information first.


Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
 Il panda ha l'apparato digerente di un carnivoro (e.g., di un orso).
  Il panda ha scelto di cibarsi esclusivamente di germogli di bambù.
  Quindi, il panda è l'unico animale vegano del pianeta. Il panda
  merita di estinguersi.                       -- Maria, Alice, Federico
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