[MonoDevelop] Who ate my code templates ?

Lluis Sanchez Gual lluis at novell.com
Mon Mar 23 09:03:55 EDT 2009


Nice work on this. It looks really useful.
Some comments inline.

El dl 23 de 03 de 2009 a les 06:42 +0100, en/na Mike Krüger va escriure:
> Hi
> Code templates are now completely different than they were before. 
> I hope that our users will find them useful, I assume that only 20% of
> the people are using the templates therefore it's time to introduce this
> feature more deeply.
> What are code templates?
> Code templates saving valuable developer time by providing pre defined
> code fragments that are used often in source code. That reaches from
> small templates like generating an if construct to templates that can
> generate whole classes (like an attribute).
> How to activate templates ?
> Code templates are generally activated by typing a shortcut like "for"
> and hitting tab after the shortcut. An "Insert Template..." menu item
> exists in the edit menu that only shows the templates. 
> Templates can be used as normal "expansion" templates or as code
> surrounding templates. Code surrounding templates require that some code
> is selected and the "Surround With..." command activated the selected
> code is now embedded inside the template. This is useful for example to
> surround code with a try ... catch block.

I've seen there is a "Is surround with template" checkbox in the code
template dialog. Can't we just assume it's a surround template if it
contains a $selected$ variable?

> Whats cool on the template system ?
> Placeholders
> The "new" cool feature is that templates can now define multiple
> placeholders. 
> For Example:
> type 'for' - hit tab:
> for (int $1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++) {
> $end$
> }
> The for template gets unwrapped and '$1' is selected if you type there
> (the default value is 'i') all other instances of '$1' change to the
> value typed at the first instance. Now hit tab again the caret jumps to
> the next place holder '$2'. You can finish the template with the enter
> key that places the caret at '$end$' - or just type anywhere in the code
> outside of placeholders if you're satisfied with your template. 
> Context sensitive templates
> Note that templates can be context sensitive, therefore not all
> templates are available anywhere.
> For Example:
> x = someOtherVar;
> if you select the whole statement and hit "Surround With..." you get a
> long list of statements to surround this with (if, for, try/catch etc.).
> If you select only "someOtherVar" you get templates that are available
> for expressions - that are currently only 2: (...) and ((cast_to)...).
> (I find the type cast template very helpful - I hate to write type
> casts.

It would be useful if the code completion list also took into account
the context. For example, when inside a method, the 'class' template
should not be offered in the code completion list.

> Automatically defined fields
> Automatically defined fields are fields that are not defined by the user
> instead the template fills the contents of the field using a pre-defined
> method. For example the constructor template "ctor" expands to:
> $TypeName$ ()
> {
> $end$
> }
> And the $TypeName$ is inserted automatically. The auto fields are used
> too for fully qualified type names. Fully qualified type names can be
> shortened with a function depending on the usings that are available at
> the template insertion point. (remember the old 'scwl' template that
> always expanded to 'System.Console.WriteLine' ? The new 'cw' (OMG it's
> 50% shorter !!!) template only expands to 'System.Console.WriteLine' if
> there is no 'using System' in that file)
> Proposed field values
> The proposed field values are a mix from auto defined fields and
> editable fields. In these fields the user can type what he want but some
> values are presented to the user that he can choose from.
> Let's take an advanced template for demonstrating this.
> Take the source code:
> -----------
> using System;
> using System.Collections.Generic;
> class MyClass
> {
>         public static int Main (string[] args)
>         {
>                 List<int> list = new List<int> ();
>                 $
>                 return 0;
>         }
> }
> -----------
> Now type 'itar' (for ITearate ARray).
> Following code is generated:
> ---------------
> for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
>         int varname = list[i];
> }
> ---------------
> You can change the first 'i', the field 'list' and 'varname'. If you get
> to the editing field for 'list' a pop up appears and you can select
> between 'list' and 'args'. If you set 'args' here the code changes to:
> ---------------------------------------
> for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
>         string varname = args[i];
> }
> ---------------------------------------
> And change it back to list:
> ---------------------------------------
> for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
>         int varname = list[i];                  
> }
> ---------------------------------------
> Note that Length/Count and the element types are auto defined fields
> that change on the value for 'args/list'.

That looks very nice and powerful.

> How to extend templates ?
> Templates can be extended using the template editor available through
> the settings dialog or adding them manually. Open the template editor
> and closing it generates a template folder in the 
> ~/.config/MonoDevelop/templates/code
> Directory. All user defined templates are stored here. The template
> format is very straightforward. For example the mn template looks like:
> -------------------------------------------------
> <CodeTemplates version="3.0">
>   <CodeTemplate version="2.0">
>     <Header>
>       <_Group>C#</_Group>
>       <Version>1.0</Version>
>       <MimeType>text/x-csharp</MimeType>
>       <Shortcut>mn</Shortcut>
>       <_Description>Sets minimum value to a variable</_Description>
>       <TemplateType>Expansion</TemplateType>
>     </Header>
>     <Variables>
>       <Variable name="var">
>         <Default>var</Default>
>         <_ToolTip>Variable name</_ToolTip>
>       </Variable>
>       <Variable name="SystemMin" isEditable="false">
>         <Default>System.Min</Default>
>         <Function>GetSimpleTypeName("System.Min")</Function>
>       </Variable>
>     </Variables>
>     <Code><![CDATA[$var$ = $SystemMin$ ($var$, $end$);]]></Code>
>   </CodeTemplate>
> </CodeTemplates>
> -----------------------------------------------
> I hope that we'll get some more user defined templates that are
> helpful :)
> What needs to be done ?
> The template system is very new therefore I except that there are bugs
> here and there. 
> The functions that are available through the extension object need to be
> extended. I think we should let drive this by the requests of the
> template writers.

I find this concept of "Function" not easy to understand when you see it
in the code template dialog. Looks like it is a way of setting the
default value of a variable, but the column header does not help on
making it clear, and there is a value like "GetCollections()" which
doesn't looks like a function for getting a default value. Also, there
is already a "Default" column you can set at the same time. And what is
the Values column for?

> More contexts for the templates. Currently there are only expressions
> and 'normal' contexts. 

I guess those would be useful: inside a namespace declaration, inside a
class/struct/interface/enum declaration, inside a method body.

> Sub 'mime types': Currently the set of templates are the same for the
> whole file based on the mime types. But some files have a different
> 'language' depending on the position. For example inside 'doc' comments
> could be a context for XML files. I think these sub contexts could be
> very useful for embedded ASP.NET code.
> The 'Surround With' list needs an input field to filter the templates.
> Maybe the template/surround with pop ups need a category tree too.
> Regards
> Mike
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