[MonoDevelop] Rewrite of FileCommands.cs (non-gpl)

Carlo Kok ck at carlo-kok.com
Tue Jun 2 04:40:56 EDT 2009

On 29-5-2009 13:22, Carlo Kok wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I've rewritten FileCommands, one of the last few files left that is
> still gpl. The process I used in rewriting this file:
> * Deleted the original
> * Created the enum from the items defined in the addin.xml file
> * Created the classes from the items defined in the addin.xml
> * For the classes that I didn't understand how to implement (OpenFile) I
> got a colleague to describe what the original did, in his own words, and
> wrote a new implementation based on trial and error of that
> Sidenote:
> It looks like the TextEditor doesn't support IPrintable, so print
> preview/print could not be tested.

Attached is an updated version, that include ViewCommands and 
HelpCommands too, besides the FileCommands. I used the same process as 

Carlo Kok

RemObjects Software
The Infrastructure Company
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