[MonoDevelop] extras/PythonBinding & IronPython support

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 09:45:32 EDT 2009

Unfortunately the IronPython binding (PythonBinding) bitrotted away several
years ago. The code was left in SVN in case someone wanted to take it over,
but it certainly doesn't work right now.

IMO at this point it would be easier to create a new IronPython binding from
scratch. Perhaps some code could be ported from SharpDevelop.

NB the PyBinding was contributed about 8 months ago and is completely
separate, written from scratch in a couple of weekends AFAIK.

On Jul 15, 2009 3:29 AM, "Count László de Almásy" <calmasy at gmail.com> wrote:

I'm interested in IronPython support for MonoDevelop. It was pleasant
to find the extras/PythonBinding directory in the latest svn sources,
but when configuring for build, it wasn't offered as one of the build
choices. extras/PyBinding (regular Python) was, but not
extras/PythonBinding. Does anyone have a compiled PythonBinding.dll
assembly I could download, or hints on how to compile it?


Cheers, László
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