[MonoDevelop] Adding external references in Monodevelop on Mac OS X

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 20:17:24 EST 2009

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Herald <harold.johnson at gmail.com> wrote:
> I found that I was having the same problem using my PowerBook, but I may
> have found another path to complete the steps listed in the instructions the
> original poster was referring to (which can be viewed at
> http://www.monodevelop.org/Creating_A_Simple_Solution). Here we are
> instructed to:
> "...right click on the Solution icon in the Solution Pad. Select 'Add->Add
> New Project'. From the 'New Solution' window, select 'C#' as the language
> and 'Library' as the template..."
> --quoted from Step 2: Create a Library Project
> Can this also be accomplished through the File menu? For example, by
> creating a new Solution (using the Library template) and saving it to the
> current Solution's directory? Would that do the job? Or is there something
> else that needs to be done in order to tie the two together?

The solution file (*.sln) contains a list of the project files within
the solution. I don't think it's possible to add a project to an
existing solution without the context menu. You could edit the new
project into the sln file by hand...

> Further, we are instructed:
> "...specify the startup project (i.e. the project which is built and run
> when using the "Run" command) by right clicking on the Solution icon in the
> Solution pad and choosing "Options", then Common->Startup Properties..."
> --quoted from Step 3: Using the New Library
> I believe (but am not certain) this can be accomplished by selecting the
> Solution icon and then using the menu Project->Options to open the Solution
> Options dialog box. From there you can select the Startup Project icon
> (located in the General area) to set that up. Am I right or am I totally
> wrong about this?

This will work, yes.

> Next we are instructed to right-click the References node to open the Edit
> References dialog. Can the same be accomplished by selecting the References
> node and then (again) using the menu Project->Options, this time selecting
> the Makefile Integration icon (located in the General area) to access a set
> of tabs which include References? I have a feeling I'm way off on this
> particular one, but I'm throwing it out there just in case...

No, this isn't it. The references dialog is a separate dialog.

> Since us Mac users don't (traditionally) have two-button mice, would it be
> possible to set up our Solutions and set up our Startup Project preference
> and edit our References using the command line?

IMO the correct solution for this would for the Mac GTK to convert
ctrl-click into a right-click, as there are a number of commands (e.g.
refactoring/navigation context menus in the text editor) that probably
aren't viable to expose any other way.

A workaround for the "essential" commands (edit references, add new
project, etc) would be to modify the MacPlatform addin so that it adds
these commands into the Project or File menus. This could even be done
in a new addin which users could install into their

Michael Hutchinson

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