[MonoDevelop] Text Cursor positioning in Monodevelop v2 beta 1

Lluis Sanchez Gual lluis at novell.com
Thu Feb 26 11:01:47 EST 2009

As somebody else pointed out, this bug is already fixed in SVN. The fix
didn't make it for beta 1.

El dj 26 de 02 de 2009 a les 15:34 +0000, en/na Tom Spink va escriure:
> 2009/2/26 Zachary Richmond <dev.ihsdoor at gmail.com>:
> > Bump.  Yes I am having this problem too on openSUSE 11.1  It is making
> > me want to revert back to Alpha 2, but the 3.5 project support is nice
> > (among many other things).
> I was having a poke around (as I'm also experiencing this), and it
> seems to be an issue in:
>   addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor/TextViewMargin.cs
> Specifically, the VisualLocationTranslator class - it's either an
> off-by-one error (which I can't immediately pick up on, because the
> code is quite complex), or it needs to be made a bit more clever in
> detecting when the position being looked up lies in the middle of a
> character.  A quick hack was to change line 1267 to this:
>   return new DocumentLocation (lineNumber, column - 1);
> BUT, this IS NOT the correct fix - it simply disguises the issue (i.e.
> gives you almost the expected behaviour) but it also introduces a bug
> that stops you being able to select the last character on a line.
> Clearly, if it's an off-by-one error, it's elsewhere in the class when
> the column index is being calculated; but I see lots of complicated
> calculations that will require further study.
> Probably someone with a lot more knowledge than me about this class
> should delve into it and take a look...
> Hope this helps,

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