[MonoDevelop] BooBinding build errors in SVN?

John Dong jdong at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 12 22:43:37 EST 2009

I've been trying to build BooBinding from monodevelop SVN and encounter the
following error:

./BooBindingCompilerServices.boo(56,59): BCE0149: The type
'MonoDevelop.Projects.ProjectReference' must derive from 'T' in order to
substitute the generic parameter 'U' in
'MonoDevelop.Projects.ProjectItemCollection[of T].GetAll()'.
./BooBindingCompilerServices.boo(60,56): BCE0149: The type
'MonoDevelop.Projects.ProjectFile' must derive from 'T' in order to
substitute the generic parameter 'U' in
'MonoDevelop.Projects.ProjectItemCollection[of T].GetAll()'.

Am I doing something wrong here?
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