[MonoDevelop] mono file extensions?

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 15:33:36 EST 2009

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Vasili I. Galchin <vigalchin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Where on the mono/monodevelop web site are explanations of "file
> extensions" like .mdp, .mds, .usertasks, etc.??

It's not documented in one place anywhere but I can list most of them.

*.sln: MD2+/VS/MSBuild-format solution
*.mdw: MD2+ workspace (collection of solutions)
*.csproj: MD2+/VS2005+/MSBuild-format C# project
*.vbproj: MD2+/VS2005_/MSBuild-format VB project
*.mdproj: MD2+/MSBuild-format generic project

*.mds: MD 1.0-format solution. Deprecated, please migrate to MSBuild.
*.mdp: MD 1.0-format project. Deprecated, please migrate to MSBuild.

*.userprefs = user-specific settings for a solution
*.usertasks = stores "user tasks" that have been entered into the task
pad, not designed to be shared between users
*.pidb = project/assembly parser cache

Note that .user* and .pidb files should not be committed to a VCS.

Michael Hutchinson

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