[MonoDevelop] project files what are they for?

Chris Howie cdhowie at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 12:00:30 EDT 2009

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Ronaldo Nascimento<sgtnasty at gmail.com> wrote:
> What are these Monodevelop project files for? And should they be
> included in version control?

See below.

> TravTasks/TravTasks.sln

This is the main solution file.  You want to version this.

> TravTasks/TravTasks.userprefs
> TravTasks/TravTasks.usertasks

These files are user-specific project settings.  For example, when you
open a solution in MD you will note that the same tabs you had open
when you closed it are re-opened.  This info is stored in these files.
 They should not be checked in to version control, and you should use
whatever ignore mechanism you have (svn:ignore on svn, .gitignore on
git, etc.) to make sure they are ignored in the future.

> TravTasks/TravTasks/TravTasks.csproj

This is the project file.  You want to version this.

> TravTasks/TravTasks/TravTasks.pidb

This is a cached code completion database, so that MD doesn't have to
re-parse your entire solution every time you load it to give you code
completion.  These files should not be checked in either, and you
should have your VCS ignore them as well.

Chris Howie

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