[MonoDevelop] Visibility of GAC Dll's

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 12:32:19 EDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Dan Winslow <DWinslow at aiminstitute.org> wrote:
> makes me wonder...if I download a Dll ( in this case, a windows-version MySql dll ), should I do anything else besides just adding it as an assembly reference? Do I even need to do a gacutil -i on it? Do I need to make a pc file for it?

In cases like that, you should set the reference to "local copy", so
that the assembly gets copied into your app's bin directory, and
distribute it with your app.

You should only put an assembly in the GAC if you wish that exact
version/copy to be shared by other apps, and you're able to make a
commitment to its API stability. In general, only the originator of
the assembly can make this commitment.

Michael Hutchinson

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