[MonoDevelop] Stripped down GTK# notebook tabs for monodevelop

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 17:57:24 EDT 2009

2009/4/20 "Andrés G. Aragoneses" <knocte at gmail.com>:
> Chris Howie wrote:
>> 2009/4/9 Anirudh <anirudh at anirudhsanjeev.org>:
>>> Andrés: I think that's a pretty neat idea, to have the icon and close button
>>> on the active tab and removed on the other tabs.
>> I disagree.  If this is implemented, please provide an option to turn it off.
>> I'll frequently hop from file to file during development and then
>> eventually clean up the open windows by closing ones I'm not using
>> anymore.  Forcing me to switch to those tabs to close them would
>> require at least one extra click and at most N extra clicks for N
> I wonder then if, for this specific problem, we should go again with the
> old-firefox-approach of having just only one (X)Close button at the
> right-upper corner of the tab notebook (don't know if it's possible with
> Gtk+ though).

How does that solve the problem?

Michael Hutchinson

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