[MonoDevelop] I need some feedback on the automatic code completion

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Fri Apr 10 04:11:50 EDT 2009

Il giorno ven, 10/04/2009 alle 09.47 +0200, Mike Krüger ha scritto:
> I need some input from our users if this is a good default setting to
> turn it of. The point is that some people type variables/methods not
> yet
> declared and the code completion and the code completion completes the
> variable to smothing that is 'valid' (for examlple -> i<space>
> becomes 
> if).
> This is something that can be annoying (I tend to close the code
> completion window in these cases) - I'm used to the automatic code
> completion therefore I'm a bit biased on that feature :)

I write variables that don't exist all the time so the new style of code
completion is a little bit annoying for me. Right now I just hit ESC
when I know that the completion code will do the wrong thing. C-SPACE to
proceed without completion would be nice.


Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
                             Best friends are often failed lovers. -- Me
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