[MonoDevelop] Weird Installation on Linux Mint

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Fri Apr 10 04:05:00 EDT 2009

On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 09:40:29 +0200
Daniel Petersen <samuraidanieru at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is compiling from source on Ubuntu pretty straight-forward? I've just
> been hoping to see a 2.0 package pop up on the website, but if it's
> no big hassle, I might just compile from source. The comment on the
> download page saying "compiling in this order will yield the most
> favorable response" sounded like a tactful way of saying "try in this
> order and hope for the best!" so I just wasn't interested in
> trying...but perhaps I'll give it a go tonight.
> That said, mono and monodevelop are projects I recently came onto
> that I'm very excited about; big thanks to the community that's
> developing them!

Compiling is fine; I have a parallel mono 2.4 install in my home
directory to work around the fact that Ubuntu has shipped broken
installs of Mono for a while now.  Jaunty coming out has Mono 2.0 and
MD 2.0.  I really need Mono 2.4, and the Mono 2.0 packaged for Ubuntu
is buggy buggy buggy (far more buggy than the Mono 2.0 I compiled when
it was released and used in my home directory).

You can go to http://www.mono-project.com/ and download the sources to
build them yourself, for everything from Mono 2.4 all the way up to
MonoDevelop 2.0.  It's relatively simple for most of it, just build the
software normally for any source distribution that has a build system
shipped with it, and you shouldn't have any problems.  Just remember
that when building MonoDevelop, its configure script is strange
compared to the norm.

	--- Mike

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