[MonoDevelop] monodevelop-2 weird character set opening some .cs files

Thomas Krieger p.o.k at web.de
Tue Apr 7 13:08:57 EDT 2009

Hi Mairicio,

i had some days ago the same problem. It seems that the encoding of the
file is not set correct.
I opened the weird file in "Geany" (i think any other good editor will
work) and set the encoding
to UTF-8 and saved the file. After setting the utf8 encoding correctly
my files worked again under md2.0.

Hope this helps!



buhochileno at gmail.com schrieb:
> Hi guys:
> I have some issues loading some .cs files, MD 2.0 final (not RCor beta) 
> show me weird character set when it open certain files, gedit or other 
> editors show me the file correctly..I can copy the content from gedit to 
> the MD window and MD show me correclty the sources, then closing and 
> openg again the project and the weird character are there again...Source 
> file is about 2000 lines...
> any clue or info about this or what can I do?
> If you want I can send you the source file to test...
> Fedora 10, mono-2.4 and MD 2.0
> Thanks
> Mauricio
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