[MonoDevelop] Task Class Wizard

Christian Hoff christian_hoff at gmx.net
Sun Sep 21 08:47:23 EDT 2008

I forgot to look at you link before I sent this Mail; your ClassWizard 
is really nice!

But it might be better to hide the CellRendererToggle when interface or 
class paths/rows are renderered.  Just use the same code to get the 
selected path and then "ask" your model(probably you used a TreeStore; a 
custom model would be much prettier but is only supported in Gtk# 2.12 
and higher and since MD requires only 2.8 you cannot use it) if this 
path is an interface or a class(path.Depth == 1 should work).

Christian Hoff schrieb:
> You normally shouldn't do that. CellRenderers are designed to be used in 
> various contexts, not just in TreeViews.
> If you really want to do so, try to subclass CellRendererToggle and 
> override the Render method with something like:
> protected override void Render (Gdk.Drawable drawable, Gtk.Widget 
> widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area, Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, 
> Gdk.Rectangle expose_area, Gtk.CellRendererState flags)
> {
>     if (widget is Gtk.TreeView) {
>        Gtk.TreePath CurrPath;
>        Gtk.TreeViewColumn CurrColumn;
>        if (!this.GetPathAtPos (cell_area.X, cell_area.Y, out CurrPath, 
> out CurrColumn))
>           // This should not occur
>           throw (new System.ApplicationException ());
>        if ((widget as Gtk.TreeView).Selection == null || (widget as 
> Gtk.TreeView).Selection.PathIsSelected (CurrPath))
>           base.Render (drawable, widget, background_area, cell_area, 
> expose_area, flags);
>        else { /* Do nothing; row is selected */ }
>     } else
>        base.Render (drawable, widget, background_area, cell_area, 
> expose_area, flags);
> dave schrieb:
>> At last I have a question about TreeView.
>> In http://www.student.tugraz.at/monichi/mono/form_version_4_5.png
>> I marked the toggleBoxes in row 1 and row 3. Is it possible to hide
>> the marked ToggleBoxes and let visible the other boxes?
>> My code for the toggle boxes is:
>> ---------------------------------------%<---------------------------------------------------
>>      // create column
>>      TreeViewColumn col_3 = new TreeViewColumn();
>>      col_3.Title = "implement";
>>      CellRendererToggle renderer_3 = new CellRendererToggle();
>>      renderer_3.Xalign = 0.0f;
>>      renderer_3.Xpad = 5;
>>      renderer_3.Activatable = true;
>>      renderer_3.Toggled +=new ToggledHandler(rendererToggle_Toggled);
>>      renderer_3.Mode = CellRendererMode.Activatable;
>>      col_3.PackStart(renderer_3, true);
>>      treeview.AppendColumn(col_3);
>>      col_3.AddAttribute (renderer_3, "active", 2);
>> ---------------------------------------%<---------------------------------------------------
>> maybe someone knows how to do this
>> thx in advance
>> cheers,
>> david
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