[MonoDevelop] On expressions and cathpoints (debugger)

Lluis Sanchez Gual lluis at novell.com
Tue Sep 2 08:24:33 EDT 2008

El dt 02 de 09 de 2008 a les 05:04 -0700, en/na asanlua va escriure:
> >> 
> >> Also, how can I introduce a catchpoint in the debugger session, in order
> >> to 
> >> handle it in the future? I mean, as far as I know, you can assign a 
> >> catchpoint to some exceptions (defined by the user), but I don't know how
> >> to 
> >> do this. 
> >easy:
> >IdeApp.Services.DebuggingService.Breakpoints.AddCatchpoint
> (fullNameOfException);
> That's the way I was introducing catchpoints. So, if I do not add any
> exception, the debugger pauses in the line the exception was, always. What I
> am trying to do is to filter the exceptions that will pause the debugger,
> and I thought that I could do this by adding just these exceptions as
> catchpoints, but it seems to be incorrect. 

No, that's correct. The only thing you have to do is add a catchpoint
for the exceptions you want the debugger to stop for. The last time I
saw the exception filter dialog it was adding a catchpoint for all
exceptions, and that may be the problem you are having.


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