[MonoDevelop] Monodevelop vmware image

Sandy Armstrong sanfordarmstrong at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 10:37:29 EDT 2008

j23tom wrote:
> Some time ago I tried to compile Monodevelop 2.0 from svn on Ubuntu. I gave
> up due to getting lost in package dependencies (lack of skills). I see a lot
> of people has the similar problem here.
> I would be grateful if someone could prepare  vmware image with Monodevelop
> 2.0 from svn.  If someone do so I promise to test it and fill all found bugs
> in bugzilla :)

Bugs are fixed so quickly that you'll need to be able to rebuild from
svn all the time, if testing latest svn is your intent.  You'd really be
better off getting your build situation figured out.  :-)


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