[MonoDevelop] Code Completion

Mike Krüger mkrueger at novell.com
Mon Nov 10 03:46:13 EST 2008


> And it will be possible to disable it? I find it very annoying. :/

To make a long story short: I've just added an option for it. 

We've already gone the fine granular option route in other cases. I
don't see why we shouldn't make an option here too. Especially if one
really wants it - it's not a theoretical option, it's a requested one :)

I personally won't turn it off. I really like the aggressive code
completion. I've looked at my typing behavior a bit and I must tell I
don't press ESC after a few letters. I don't jump much around. But this
as a personal working style. I can understand that someone finds this
type of completion annoying (even if I don't share the same feelings
about it).

An option there doesn't hurt. You find it on the general text editor
panel right below the "enable code completion" option. I want that as
many as possible people feel comfortable with monodevelop. If anyone
wants an option or special behavior don't hesitate to ask for it, we'll
try to implement it. 


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