[MonoDevelop] [PATCH. RFC] Absolute File References

Jerome Haltom wasabi at larvalstage.net
Thu May 8 15:40:08 EDT 2008

This is interesting, but probably way more complicated than is required.
In my patch, the user just has to check a check box on the reference for
Absolute Path. In yours he's responsible for typing in the path to the
reference, or hand editing it to either remove ${ProjectDir} or add it.
Maybe it should always automatically be added, unless the user hand
edits it out? It changes the interface of the References property box
quite a bit. It also requires a breaking change in the .mdp file format:
new files will begin to have variables in them, old versions of MD won't
support that.

I don't think it'd go over very well.

That said, I do like the ability to hand type reference paths... for
instance when the reference is built as the output of another project
from some custom process: for instance running ikvmc to convert a .jar
to a .dll.

My desire for that is out of the scope of this though.

On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 14:12 -0500, Marcos Marín wrote:
> This is what I do in the CBinding:
> All paths are absolute, but paths get parsed for vars like
> ${ProjectDir} and ${CombineDir}, so if I want to link a lib
> in /usr/lib/somelib.so thats fine, yet I can also add a reference to
> something that comes packaged with the project like
> ${ProjectDir}/libmymath.so which will work perfectly fine on someone
> else's computer.
> Take a look at the StringParserService
> http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/viewcvs/trunk/monodevelop/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core/StringParserService.cs?view=markup
> and this is an example of the widgets we use to allow the user to add
> a var like ${ProjectDir}.
> http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/viewcvs/trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/CBinding/Gui/CodeGenerationPanel.cs?view=markup
> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 1:22 PM, "Andrés G. Aragoneses"
> <knocte at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Andrés G. Aragoneses wrote:
>         > Jerome Haltom wrote:
>         >> Howdy. The last few days I've been working on a patch to
>         MonoDevelop to
>         >> implement a feature I consider pretty important on the
>         Linux/Unix space.
>         >> I'm going to start by explaining the problem, then my
>         solution.
>         >>
>         >> First the problem. Sometimes it is understandable that in
>         closed source
>         >> shops that use Visual Studio, when only a few developers
>         are working on
>         >> it, a reference might be added to a third party assembly
>         that exists on
>         >> a shared network drive. In VS, you'd right click on your
>         project and
>         >> choose Add Reference, Browse, navigate to your shared
>         network drive, and
>         >> choose the assembly. VS would store the absolute path to
>         the assembly in
>         >> the project file, so that other users would attempt to
>         refer to the
>         >> assembly from the same location.
>         >>
>         >> In open source code, this is generally a poor idea, for
>         obvious reasons.
>         >> Nobody has shared network drives. For closed source
>         internal company
>         >> code, there is nothing wrong with this. It's perfectly
>         fine, many people
>         >> do it, and it works as expected.
>         >>
>         >> Another situation might be when you want to add a reference
>         to a library
>         >> installed on your OS, but which provides no means of
>         dynamic location of
>         >> the assembly. Perhaps the assembly is simply installed
>         directly
>         >> into /usr/lib. Perhaps it was never really packaged
>         properly to be
>         >> consumed by others. No pkgconfig files. I personally see
>         nothing wrong
>         >> with this. It would be nice to modify the package so that
>         it installed a
>         >> pkgconfig file, no doubt. But you aren't going to convince
>         my small
>         >> internal IT department to do so. Suggesting that we do is a
>         non-starter.
>         >>
>         >> All of those points considered, MonoDevelop does not allow
>         this to work.
>         >> If you add a reference to a file in /usr/lib, for instance,
>         MonoDevelop
>         >> stores in it's project file something along the lines of
>         >> '../../../../../../usr/lib/foo/Bar.dll'. This is silly.
>         There is no
>         >> expectation that my project file will be in the same place
>         on every
>         >> system, so no expectation that the relative path will be
>         the same. It
>         >> breaks.
>         >>
>         >> So. There are a few possible ways to address this that I
>         see.
>         >>
>         >> a) Advocate that nobody refers to files outside of the
>         solution
>         >> directory, and anybody who does is doing it Wrong.
>         >>
>         >> I don't really find this solution practical. You won't
>         convince people
>         >> by mandating solutions like this. Additionally, I don't
>         really even have
>         >> a ethical problem with references outside my project
>         directory! There is
>         >> no consistent definition of Wrong here.
>         >>
>         >> b) Store absolute paths in the project file when
>         appropriate.
>         >>
>         >> I'm all for this. If there was a way that would
>         automatically determine
>         >> when a file should be stored absolute. I don't think there
>         is a way. You
>         >
>         > Are you sure?
>         >
>         > Let's say you link to /usr/lib/whatever, in MD that should
>         be a
>         > reference to ../../../(n times)/../usr/lib/whatever/.
>         >
>         > Why not checking iteratively:
>         > 1) is .. == / ? If yes, it's absolute.
>         > 2) is ../.. == / ? If yes, it's absolute.
>         > After n) It's relative.
>         >
>         > The only case in which this would fail is that if someone
>         stablishes
>         > it's root dir project to /, which is non-sense.
>         Hugh, and it would fail also if the project's root dir is in
>         the same
>         first-level dir from root as the library, which is maybe not
>         nonsense,
>         but totally uncommon...
>         Regards,
>                        Andres
>         --
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