[MonoDevelop] Startup Problem: Mono 1.9 + MD 1.0

Egon A. Rath Egon.Rath at gespag.at
Wed Mar 26 06:48:43 EDT 2008


when starting MonoDevelop 1.0 i get the following error message:

FATAL ERROR [2008-03-26 11:44:59Z]: MonoDevelop failed to start. Some of
the assemblies required to run MonoDevelop (for example gtk-sharp,
gnome-sharp or gtkhtml-sharp) may not be properly installed in the GAC.
System.Exception: There is already a logger with the name 'MonoDevelop
Internal Log'
  at MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.AddLogger (ILogger logger)
  at MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.InternalLog.Initialize () [0x00000] 
  at MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.IdeStartup.Run (System.String[] args)
  at MonoDevelop.Startup.SharpDevelopMain.Main (System.String[] args)

I've just upgraded from a previous MD and Mono to the actual Versions by
removing the entire Mono and MD installation and compiled the actual
ones from source.

Any suggestions?


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