[MonoDevelop] Equivalent GTK ## control to a VS Data Grid ? (Peter Johanson)

Peter Johanson peter at peterjohanson.com
Wed Jun 18 10:07:34 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 03:53:53AM -0700, Brett Senior wrote:
>    Re the above.  I went in and did 'Add Assembly' and when I do this on
>    Medsphere.Widgets.dll - I get the following error which I expect is my
>    limited understanding rather than the above dll not having and widgets
>    in it:
>        The file '/usr/local/lib/Medsphere.Widgets.dll' does not contain
>    any component.

Medsphere.Widgets.dll does *not* directly integrate with the UI designer
in MonoDevelop. You will need to add them programatically into a
placeholder container widget like a VBox, HBox, whatever in your code.


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