[MonoDevelop] Chaning default access of an Action in MainWindow

Brett Senior brett_senior at yahoo.com.au
Wed Jun 18 06:41:01 EDT 2008

Is there any way to change the default access given to an Action (or widget on a window) from private to public in MD ?  I am converting an application from VS to MD and in VS I can do the following:

    form_name form_reference = this;

and then be able to access (from another class) the fields etc in the form 'form_name'.  This gives me the ability to change attributes of a VS field from the other class - and is handy in functions that need to do so given that to return a flag to indicate the event is to happen is not always easy and in some cases the amount of code to get around it would be huge.  As it is a nice thing I can do in VS and can't seem to do in MD (as the generated code in Build() marks all window 'fields' as private and I need them to be public so that I can access them.  Is there a way to do it (short of editing the 'behind the scenes' files which seems the wrong way to go about it as these files would change as I change the window in the designer.
Does anyone have any knowledge of how to do this (if in fact possible) as without it I cannot convert the application (easily) and I do not want to keep running Windows and VS if possible.


Brett Senior

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