[MonoDevelop] Assembly bowser missing

Lluis Sanchez Gual lluis at novell.com
Tue Jul 15 05:44:39 EDT 2008

The assembly browser is shown when you open a dll or exe (using
File->Open), or when you drop an assembly into MD, or when you
double-click on an assembly reference in a project.

El dt 15 de 07 de 2008 a les 14:28 +0530, en/na Sharique uddin Ahmed
Farooqui va escriure:
> Hi,
> I'm using Monodevelop 2 alpha 1 from openSuse repo. i didn't find
> assembly browser in it? Do I need recompile from source?
> -- 
> Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
> (C++/C# Developer, IT Consultant)
> http://safknw.blogspot.com/
> "Peace" is the Ultimate thing we want.
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