[MonoDevelop] WARNING [2008-02-02 22:12:03Z]: MonoDevelop failed to start. Rebuilding addins registry.

Matias Hegoburu matiashegoburu at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Feb 2 19:24:57 EST 2008

I downloaded the installer from mono website for other distributions (ubuntu 7.04). Installed, try to run it, didnt work. Cried about add-ins. I found out md saves add-in data in .config/monodevelop... upon deleting this folder, it worked like a charm for a while.

I went on installing other things (like svn), tried to run md again, but i get this message:

WARNING [2008-02-02 22:12:03Z]: MonoDevelop failed to start. Rebuilding addins registry.

Fallo de segmentación (core dumped)

Thats it. No idea what is going on or how to fix it. Any ideas? it would be very welcome, its driving me crazy. I installed and re installed a thousand times, i installed mono from synaptic and then uninstalled it, in the hope it would fix some dependency issue, but nothing.


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