[MonoDevelop] MAC OS-X and MD 1.9.1 (Alpha2)

Bart Masschelein masschel at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 07:07:55 EST 2008

On 05 Dec 2008, at 12:54, Paul Turbett wrote:

> I followed those steps a few week ago, but it didn't work out.  
> MonoDevelop would build, but failed to run because  
> gtksourceviewsharp (I think) was missing, and try as I might, I  
> couldn't get it to build or install. I forget exactly how it ended,  
> but there was a conflict between a dependency I need to install and  
> the +no_x11 switch when following your guide.

Until a couple of weeks ago, the configure step indeed reported that  
no gtksourceviewsharp was found, but you can ignore that.  
gtksourceviewsharp is not needed for MD, they wrote their own version.  
The latest versions don't mention this missing dependency, which  
avoids confusion. I don't know what happens if you install  
gtksourceviewsharp with MacPorts, never did it, as it is not required.

If you're up to it, give it another shot, and report what the issues  
are, I could have a look at it. If you don't use MacPorts for other  
stuff, I would suggest you start from scratch, removing everything  
related to MacPorts. Their website shows how to do that.


> On 05/12/2008, at 7:48 PM, Bart Masschelein wrote:
>> This is starting to look like self-promotion ;-), but as I said  
>> before in the post, I've written down a straight-forward,  
>> reproducable walk-through on how to compile the latest version of  
>> MD on OSX:
>> http://www.naiznoiz.share-a-book.com/?p=27
>> Every couple of days I update the trunk, recompile, and have  
>> everytime the latest MD running.
>> This uses Mono 2.0.1, from MacPorts. I figured out how I can  
>> compile Mono from trunk, without any other recompilation of other  
>> packages (monodevelop, libgdi, gtksharp, mono-addins, etc), but  
>> rather re-use the MacPorts that I load in the GAC of the trunk- 
>> Mono. Like this I have a simple way of using the latest version of  
>> MD with the latest version of Mono, in two seperate compilation  
>> steps, and the other packages installed from MacPorts. I have to  
>> verify this in a bit more detail, but I will post this later...  
>> this year ;-).
>> Re-posting, in case you missed it ;-).
>> Bart
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