[MonoDevelop] OpenSuse, Mono, Monodevelop and aspeditor

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 11:46:40 EST 2008

You need xulrunner 1.8 - Mozilla stopped including gtkmozembed in newer 
products (e.g. firefox 3, xulrunner 1.9). Fortunately there is still a 1.8 
package in openSUSE.

On Dec 2, 2008 7:25 AM, "Lucer" <devnull.tst at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi !!
im trying run Monodevelop + aspeditor.
Have problem trying to run aspeditor standalone with make run. i was dowload 
ok and make is ok, but make run throws exception:
cannot find libgtkembedmoz.so.
I have installed Mozilla-xul and Firefox, and find lib and add path to this 
on LD_CONFIG_PATH but always throws exception.
Have OpenSuse 11, any know how run with make run?

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