[MonoDevelop] Gtk-Sharp V2.10 / V2.12 & mono-basic source code

Brett Senior brett_senior at yahoo.com.au
Sat Apr 12 05:58:30 EDT 2008

I am glad to report that thanks to Lluis' help I now have a running monodevelop (yes !) but have noticed that it crashes a lot and when I look at the messages that are displayed I feel that it is a gtk issue and not monodevelop.  When I first tried to compile a monodevelop program (with gtk forms etc) I received an error message that was related to the fact that my machine has 2.12 version of gtk-sharp - this is because I run Debian/lenny and this version came down in an 'auto-update' and I didn't realise at the time that it may cause me some problems.  I still had 2.10 in the gac and the compiler error indicated that there were two definitions of Gtk.Window - and one message referred to 2.10 and then other to 2.12.  So I renamed the 2.10 directory in the gac (so I could restore if required) and then linked the 2.10 version directory name to 2.12 version.  Whether this was the right way to do it I'm not sure as I am new to Linux.  Anyway, the program
 would now compile and I thought that this was the solution.  But now I find that monodevelop crashes a lot and feel it is not monodevelop but the above gtk issue.  Any help on this matter would be appreciated.
Secondly I have tried to install the mono-basic module (as I have existing Windows/VB programs - and need to run them so I can then convert to C# on Linux) and it compiled OK - but when I tried to install it a message indicating that the assembly is not strong named and could not be added - so then I cannot run the existing programs.  Again, any advice on this matter would be appreciated.
Brett Senior

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