[MonoDevelop] Shortcuts (key bindings) for context menus in the source code editor

Artun Subasi asubasi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 12:40:36 EDT 2008


I am using the context menus mainly in order to go to declarations, find
references and rename. I mean the menus called "Class a", "Method b", "Field
c" etc when you right click on a line on the source code editor.

I can't seem to find any key bindings to use them. And since I use them very
often, it slows me down.  For example in Eclipse I would hold down the ctrl
button and click on an item navigate, in VS I would first select the item
and then press F12. Is there similar shortcut in Monodevelop? (I am using
Monodevelop 1.0 and using with C#)


Artun Subasi
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