[MonoDevelop] ikvm configuration
Roberto Iannone
iannone at crmpa.unisa.it
Fri Oct 19 04:44:43 EDT 2007
Hi All,
I'm new of mono and monodevelop :(
I need your help to configure ikvm.
I create a ikvm library project and try to compile it but the compiler
fails. the output is the following (translated from the italian .. so
some errors could be present .. due to my bad english :(( ):
build soution ikvm_test
build project: ikvm_test (Debug)
execututing main compiling...
Generating reference stubs ...
Compiling Java source code ...
build failled. command
anyone can help me ?
Dott. Roberto Iannone
iannone at crmpa.unisa.it
tel. 089 964198
C R M P A - Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Università degli Studi di Salerno
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