[MonoDevelop] Compiling ASP.NET applications

Paulo Aboim Pinto esqueleto at tusofona.com
Thu Oct 4 21:26:30 EDT 2007

Hello ...

I get the SVN version of MonoDevelop (revision 86937) and now I'm 
getting a problem that I already report as a bug in a previous version.

When I compile the ASP.NET application the MonoDevelop does not copy the 
dlls referenced in the project.
Because of that when I run the application I got an error in  XSP.

Another error is, I use .NET 2.0 version and of course, all my projects, 
but when I run the ASP.NET application the web server that runs is XPS 
and not XSP2

Right now I'm copying the dll from reference into the bin directory and 
I'm runnig XSP2 in the console.
Can anyone resolve this!??!?!'

I will post this in Bugzilla too.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

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