[MonoDevelop] [Monodevelop] NHibernate embed XML

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Mon May 21 17:46:33 EDT 2007

Il giorno lun, 21/05/2007 alle 22.12 +0100, James Fitzsimons ha scritto:
> Hi Paul,
> On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 15:50 -0400, Paul wrote:
> > I was just wondering if MonoDevelop supports embedding xml into
> > assemblies for NHibernate.  I keep getting a XML Mapping file not
> > found error and can't seem to find the issue.
> It's easy, just move you mapping files to the Resources folder and
> everything should start working!

But give'em correct names. It didn't worked here until I called them
with full names, including namespace, class name and hba.xml extension.


Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
                      Sei una bergogna. Vergonga. Vergogna. -- Valentina
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