[MonoDevelop] Fwd: SoC application idea proposal

Lluis Sanchez lluis at ximian.com
Sat Mar 17 08:25:08 EDT 2007

El dj 15 de 03 del 2007 a les 16:17 +0100, en/na David Anes va escriure:
> Hi Adam.
> 2007/3/15, Adam Wood <AdamWood at xephi.co.uk>:
>         On Thursday 15 March 2007 13:44:15 Michael Hutchinson wrote:
>         > On 3/15/07, David Anes <david.anes at gmail.com> wrote:
>         > > Ok, I've always proposed  projects  that "produce code" to
>         the SoC, but 
>         > > this time I wanted to do someting different. I will try to
>         propose still
>         > > for Mono mentoring anyway, maybe there is a chance...
>         >
>         > The question is not whether we would accept it -- IIRC
>         Google has 
>         > explicitly said that they won't accept projects for creating
>         > documentation. That said, you could work on
>         documentation-related
>         > code, such as improving MonoDoc or its integration with
>         MonoDevelop. 
>         How about a MonoDevelop plugin for automatically generating
>         documentation and
>         UML representations from code? You could use the MonoDevelop
>         sources as your
>         test case and maybe do something like adding attributes to the
>         code for 
>         inserting extra documentation. Surely this fulfils the need
>         for a code based
>         project that allows you to learn the internals of MonoDevelop
>         whilst also
>         helping EVERYONE out by creating some good documentation and
>         letting them do 
>         the same for their own apps.
>         I'm thinking of something along the lines of the DOxygen
>         system.
> What exactly do you mean?
> a) parse the code and generate docs (like Doxygen, NDoc and many other
> do) 
> b) extract automatic documentation from assemblies (annotated classes
> using attributes, using Reflection to retrieve class heriarchies and
> so on).

Monodoc can already do all this. The monodocer tool can use reflection
to parse an assembly and build documentation pages from it, or it can
read documentation generated using the /doc command and also generate
doc pages. Monodoc can then be used to edit the documentation.

What would be nice to have is a better integration of all this in
MonoDevelop. So for example, there would be a new Documentation Project
that could be added to a solution and would automatically generate and
keep track of documentation for projects.


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