[MonoDevelop] Fwd: SoC application idea proposal

David Anes david.anes at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 09:30:12 EDT 2007

Hi Sandford,

2007/3/15, Sanford Armstrong <sanfordarmstrong at gmail.com>:
> David,
> I don't represent the MonoDevelop team in any way, but Google has
> stated many times that Summer of Code projects should be about
> producing code.  Although I (and many others!) would love to see the
> MonoDevelop documentation improved, if I understand your project
> correctly, it is unlikely to be accepted by Google.

Ok, I've always proposed  projects  that "produce code" to the SoC, but this
time I wanted to do someting different. I will try to propose still for Mono
mentoring anyway, maybe there is a chance...

What plugins do you need?  Do you think they would benefit others?
> Perhaps one of them falls under the scope of a three month coding
> project?

I'm interested in plugins to extract info about class heriarchies, to draw
"sexy" class diagrams that could be printed. That way, we could create
enhanced documentations of our personal/work projects. I think a "View class
hieriachy as UML" plugin could be nice. I will propose this one also.

Best of luck,
> Sandy

Thank you very very much,
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